
December 2022

On December 15th Seven’s Grand Champion Silver certificate arrived in the mail. He actually achieved this on September 1st. He is the first Barbet with this title.


Frida (CH TreeBeard’s Paint The Town Red) travelled with my friend Sydney to the show in Orlando, Florida. This was a show I had planned on attending but unfortunately a fall on black ice, and a broken wrist changed those plans. Frida was beautifully presented by Sydney and got a 5-point major at the Central Florida Kennel Club show. Thank you so much to Judge Sandra Lex for this recognition.


More mail on December 27th brought the Champion certificate for Elroy (TreeBeard’s Stars Aligned). Elroy obtained is championship in two weekends of showing at the end of August before he was eight months. I look forward to this boys future in the ring. Elroy turns one-year old on December 31st.

November 2022

Puppies headed off to their new families this month. See the puppy page for family pictures.

This litter was our “T” litter, as I follow the traditions of France and T is the letter for French breeds born in 2022.


Puppies playing in the leaves.

This girl with the pink collar, TreeBeard’s Tickled Pink, and male with the blue collar TreeBeard’s Tangled Up In Blue are staying close. We look forward to both of these puppies being in the conformation ring in 2023.

October 2022

This month we were fortunate enough to have such glorious weather that the puppies had lots of outdoor activities. Socialization visits with future families could be held outside too. And the puppies had opportunities to meet people from 3 years old to 90.


Black collared male strutting his stuff.


Enjoying the sunshine.


Pile of tired puppies.

September 2022

On September 5th the Berry (TreeBeard's Raspberry Beret) X River (CH Roi de Thule Sire River TreeBeard) puppies made their appearance. Somehow their arrival on Labour Day seems appropriate.

Eight lovely Barbets. 4 females and 4 males. Four white with black markings, three black with white markings, and one brown with white. Life really is like a box of chocolates. LOL

A picture of Berry, and River, and the beautiful puppies. Follow the PUPPY page in the coming weeks for more pictures of the puppies.


August 2022

August 19th was a fun day at the TIKO show in Brockville. River (Ch Roi De Thule Sire River TreeBeard) was awarded a Group 4 in a lovely sporting line up. Thank you so much to judge Sylvia Barkey.

River also achieved his Novice Rally O title. Julie and River make such a beautiful team. Good job River on such a hot day you handled these two different events like a pro.


This is a photo of Berry (TreeBeard's Raspberry Beret) at 4-weeks of age popped up today. Berry was such a beautiful puppy. In a few weeks she will welcome her own puppies into the world. I am very excited about this Berry x River breeding.


Elroy (TreeBeard's Stars Aligned) came out to play on August 28th at the SD&G show today. So proud of this boy who is about to turn 8-months. Thank you so much judge David Miller for awarding him Best of Breed in the Limited Retriever show this morning.


July 2022

On July 15th weekend, I attended the Kars Kennel Club Dog show, with Seven and Elroy. This was Elroy’s first show in the 6-9 month classes. Seven was awarded a Group 4 three times in a stellar line up of sporting dogs. And Elroy is more than half way to his Championship.

Sincere thank you to judge Irene Latchford for awarding Seven with a Group 4 at the Kars dog show, in such a beautiful sporting group.


A Group 4 for Seven on this very rainy day. Thank you to judge Yogesh Tuteja (India) for this recognition and your kind words.


Seven (TreeBeard’s Open The Pod Doors) finishes off the Kars show weekend with a Group 4th. Thank you to judge Maria Del Rocio Nadal (Brazil) for this recognition in a lovely sporting group


Elroy (TreeBeard's Stars Aligned) turned 6-months two weeks ago. He came out to the Kars dog show for three days. For three of the five shows he was Best of Winners earning him 6 points. And he got to go back in the ring for puppy group a couple of times. A nice few days to learn the ropes and how much fun this can be.


Frida (TreeBeard’s Paint The Town Red) turned two years old on July 27. We will be toasting that with this appropriate made in Canada beverage.


June 2022

In June I was fortunate enough to attend the prestigious Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. It was held in Tarrytown New York for the second year in a row. Such a thrill to be a part of this event. And to celebrate with wonderful fellow Barbet breeders and their dogs. This trip was extra special because my sister joined me. We may not have come home with a big win like last year, but you always come home with best dog.

May 2022

In early May, Seven and I attended the Association Canine Charlevoisienne show in Saint-Agapit, Quebec. Seven was awarded a Group 3 by Judge Raymond Yurick, and a Group 4 by Judge Juan Miranda Saucedo (FCI-Mx), in a beautiful line up sporting dogs. My sincere thank you to both of these judges.

On May 29th Elroy (TreeBeard’s Stars Aligned) attended his first conformation show in Richmond at the Ottawa Kennel Club. This boy is not quite five months and he had a great time. For baby puppies it is all about letting them know how much fun shows can be. Sincere thank you to Judge Heather Lanfeld for awarding Elroy Best Baby Puppy in Show. What a great start to this boys show career.

February to April 2022

While I stayed at home and delighted in having fun with the Scarlett x River puppies, Seven attended some shows with my friend, and handler extraordinaire Sydney Robinson.


Thank you so much to Judge Thora Brown for the Group 4 recognition at the Scarborough show in March.


Sincere thank you to Judge Stephen Dainard for the Group 3 in such a large and beautiful sporting Group in Syracuse New York.

Thank you Judge Tony Vandendool for the Group 3 at the Champlain show on April 15th.


On April 7th, Seven got mail. He is the first Barbet to be a Grand Champion in both Canada and the USA. And now the first Barbet to be a Canadian Grand Champion Bronze. Love this handsome, gentle, goofy boy. He makes me smile every day.

January 2022


I am thrilled with the New Years Eve puppies that Scarlett brought into the world. See the PUPPIES PAGE for more pictures. This pinwheel picture of puppies in from January 13th, Day 13.

December 2021


Scarlett said goodbye and good riddance to 2021 in spectacular fashion as is her style. She started bringing puppies into the world on the evening of December 31st. Best New Years ever and the first time I have stayed up to midnight in ages. Three black boys and one brown girl.

Mom Scarlett (BISS, CAN CGH, UKC CH TREEBEARD'S BARBETDEAU MIRAGE) is doing well and is an awesome Mom.

October 2021


River (CH Roi De Thule Sire River TreeBeard) and I attended the United show in St Lazare on October 18th. Where he officially became a new Canadian Champion.

July to September 2021

July saw the return for us to a few shows. Albeit with masks and other restrictions but it felt good to be back out.

On July 10th Frida came out to her first show and earned her first two points. She is such a beautiful mover in the ring.


On July 22nd Rive had tons of fun at his first show earning his first points.

August 8th Frida (TreeBeard’s Paint The Town Red) became a new Canadian Champion. Thank you to Chris Downing for piloting Frida to this title while I showed Seven.


River and I are attending the Hochelaga Kennel Club show this weekend. This young dog got off to a great start with Best of Breed in a nice entry of 9 Barbets. And then a Group 4 in a very lovely sporting group. Thank you so much judge Robert Rowbotham for this recognition.


Frida (CH TreeBeard’s Paint The Town Red) and I attended the Cornwall show on Saturday September 4th. Seven had the day off. We had a lovely entry of 15 Barbets for the booster. Thank you to the club for organizing this supported entry.


Seven (GCH TreeBeard’s Open The Pod Doors) on Sunday at Cornwall before the down pour of rain. A deluge of water is just fine for a Barbet’s coat. My hair did not fair as well LOL.

June 2021 - Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show

2021 marked the debut of the Barbet at the prestigious Westminster Kennel Club dog show. To be among those Barbet not only to attend but to be invited is a true honour.

Ads for Seven for the upcoming show.

Three WKC recorded pictures of Seven and I in the ring.

A few ring pictures from the show. Lining up, Up and Down, Going Around. Thank you to Stacy Able for sharing these pictures, and thank you Walter for your talented camera work. Wonderful memories.


I feel so fortunate that I was able to attend the Westminster Kennel Club show this year and to be able to celebrate the debut of the Barbet with fellow breeders. Congratulations to all who participated. Huge congratulations to Judy Descutner on your breed win with Solene, so well deserved. Hard to tell but I have a big smile on my face under the mask I was required to wear to follow show rules. And Seven is much too interested in looking at these four Barbet girls to look at the camera.


The official win photo of Seven, from the Westminster Kennel Club. Thank you to judge Mr. David Kittredge for this recognition of Best of Opposite, and for your kind words. It was an honour to attend this debut event of the Barbet with such a lovely line up of our breed.

April to June 2021


River at 10-months. Such a happy boy.


On April 26th Darwin turned 13 years old. Where did the time go? Darwin earned his place on the couch years ago. Today we went for an extra long walk in this lovely weather. Treats of show bait, just like old times, and yes snuggles on the couch.

BIS, BISS, GCHEX CA, CH INT BarbuGaulois Darwin CGN
My heart dog.


Frida, at 9-months old watching me enjoy my morning coffee after our nice long walk. Good morning.


River turned one today, June 7th. Extra long walks and time to stop and smell the flowers.

January to March 2021

The winter of 2021 was simply spent staying close to home and enjoying time with my family and dogs. Here are a few picture of that time.

River turned 8-months old on February7, 2021. This boy is growing up nicely.


Frida (TreeBeard's Paint The Town Red), Berry (TreeBeard's Raspberry Beret) and Mom Scarlett (TreeBeard's Barbetdeau Mirage), these girls are all such fun characters. This picture was taken on February 19, 2021. Sisters, Frida and Berry will be seven months old at the end of the month.

I am so proud of this boy and over the moon to see the 2021 Westminster Breed Invitees list today. This will be the first time that the Barbet will show at this prestigious event. Seven has exceeded all my dreams. Happy Breeder, Owner, Handler.

Seven (BISS, BPISS, BPIS CAN CH, AM CH TreeBeard's Open The Pod Doors) is two-years old today. I am still amazed at what this boy accomplished by 10-months of age before events stopped for us. Although we haven't been in the ring for almost 14-months we both can't wait for that opportunity. Meanwhile we are enjoying this glorious first day of spring.

I am also forever grateful to Seven's Mom, Scarlett (BISS, CAN GCH, UKC CH TreeBeard's Barbetdeau Mirage), his Grandmother Julia (CH TreeBeard's Jewel Barbetdeau), and his Great Grandmother Hazel (CAN GCH, FCC CH TreeBeard's Galapagos Girl). I am truly blessed to have these girls in my life and for the beautiful Barbets they have brought into the world. Thank you Scarlett, Julia and Hazel.

December 2020

This year has gone by slowly at times but now that we are about to say goodbye to 2020 it seems like it went by in a flash. And although I did not get to travel and attend the dogs shows I hoped to go to this year, I treasured the time I was able to just simply stay home and hang out with my dogs.

I was completely overwhelmed with this beautiful blanket that my son and daughter-in-law gave me as a Christmas gift. A gift of warmth and love, that brought a smile to my face and tears to my eyes. How perfect that I can wrap myself up with pictures of my Barbets. Darwin, Scarlett, Frida, Jackie Eau, Hazel as a puppy and an adult, Seven, and of course Ethan, my miniature poodle. A perfect gift.


Seven (TreeBeard’s Open The Pod Doors), just chilling.


Frida at 5-months of age on December 27th. So pretty.


November 2020

The most recent issue of Canine Chronicle has a wonderful article on the Barbet. And includes a short interview about my breeding program. The Barbet became fully recognized by the AKC (American Kennel Club) in 2020. They have been fully recognized in Canada since 2006. A huge thank you to all that worked so hard for this achievement in the USA. I feel truly honoured to have shared my life with this incredible breed for so many years. And am excited about the future of some young hopefuls.

October 2020

The glorious weather continued through October. River is such a handsome young puppy. Here is a picture of him on his 4-month birthday, October 7th.


Frida play playing in the leaves October 15th at 11.5 weeks old.


Happy Halloween. Just two girls and a gargoyle. Frida and myself on October 31st.


September 2020

We had a beautiful summer and the puppies were able to be outside multiple times a day throughout the end of August and September. Puppies were introduced to new toys and experiences at every opportunity. These toy cars made for fun things to climb in and out of, and made all kinds of different noises.

Puppies in Cars

This girl prefers the pink car

Just look at the beautiful black face

Grumpy face LOL

Getting bigger


August 2020

I am so happy and proud of Louise and Olaf. While waiting to get back in the conformation ring they have been busy with agility. Last week Olaf completed the first level of Agility (Foundation). And next week they will begin the second level. Olaf is a curious, playful, and affectionate Barbet. He is not afraid of anything and always ready to move forward with a new obstacle. Not to mention a gorgeous solid boy.

Olaf (TreeBeard's Optimus Prime) is co-owned with Louise Nadeau and myself. I am excited about this boy's future.

Congratulations Louise and Olaf.


So excited to introduce this young man into our lives. On August 14th, Julie and I took a road trip to Quebec City to pick up this handsome Barbet. Roi de Thule Sire River TreeBeard is such a sweet boy. Thank you so much to his breeder Carole Bouthillette for entrusting us with him. We are excited about his future. Here is a picture of River, and one with myself and this boy, and Julie with River. We are in love. Welcome home River.

July 2020

Scarlett (GCH TreeBeard’s Barbetdeau Mirage), and Jax (CH Northrock’s Good Vibrations) puppies have arrived. Three beautiful puppies, 2 girls and 1 boy, came into the world on Tuesday July 27th.

A solid black girl, one girl with white toes and a little white on her chest, and a solid black boy. See the puppy page for more pictures.


And a picture of Scarlett and myself, and the handsome Jax.

Spring 2020

My plans for the spring of 2020 changed dramatically just like everyone else. We simply stayed home and had fun with the dogs.

Here is a picture of Seven sporting a Mr. Monoply look, LOL.


And Darwin dreaming of cookies. Darwin is 12.5 years old in this picture.


March 2020

I attended the Ontario Breeders show in Lindsay, Ontario on the final days of February and March 1st.


A sincere thank you to Judge Anne Feiske-Jackman for recognizing Seven with a Group 4 and Best Puppy in Group. And for your very kind words.


Thank you so much Judge David Gilmour for awarding Seven a Group 3 and Best Puppy in Group.


On March 20th this handsome boy turned one year old. We will now be hanging around the house with the rest of the gang until the world is a safe place to gather again.

February 2020

In early February I travelled to New York with two friends to take in the Westminster Kennel Club show. This show has always been on my list of events to attend. Three days of watching as many breeds as I could possibly take in at the Piers, and two evenings in Madison Square Gardens for the Groups and Best in Show. The Barbet was not eligible for Westminster this year having just been fully recognized one month earlier. So attending next year for this historical event will be a must.

The Empire State Building lit up in the colours of Westminster. And waiting for Best in Show.


On the weekend of February 22nd I travelled to West Springfield, MA with Seven for a show. There was a nice turnout of seven Barbets. A sincere thank you to Judge Mrs Nena Dee for the Best of Breed and a Group 4 in Owner-Handler.

January 2020

This year will be a very exciting one for the Barbet as they received full recognition by the AKC, and can now show in the Sporting Group in the USA. To celebrate this Seven and I travelled to Brooksville, Florida in early January for a series of shows.

This young boy achieved his American Championship in five days with a Best of Breed win and five 3-point majors each day. A wonderful accomplishment for a 10-month old puppy. A huge shout out to my friend Judy Descutner for bringing her beautiful girls to Florida, I could not have achieved this without her. Plus it was fun to hang out with her in sunny Florida.


Seven on the first day of the show with his first points


Seven also was recognized with a Group 1 and a Group 2 in the Owner-Handler series. This is him lounging on the bed with his Group 1 ribbon.


This young man can now be called BISS, BPISS, BPIS, CAN CH AM CH TREEBEARD’S OPEN THE POD DOORS.

December 2019

To say I am over the moon with the results of the one show we went to in December feels like an understatement. We only stayed for two of the three days of the show due to the forecast for bad weather on the Sunday. What an incredible two days for this 9 month old boy.

Seven was Best Puppy in Show on the first day. A huge thank you to Judge Mr. Richard Paquette.


Thank you so much to Judge Dann Wilson for the Group 4 in a lovely line up of Sporting dogs and the Best Puppy in Group.


At the Southwestern Ontario All Retriever Society Specialty show Seven was awarded Best Puppy in Breed and Best of Breed. Thank you Judge Richard Paquette for recognizing this young Barbet.


And a very sincere thank you to Judge Garth Gourlay for the Best in Specialty and Best Puppy in Specialty at the Barbet Fanciers Association of Ontario Specialty.


October/November 2019

In October and November, Seven (TreeBeard’s Open The Pod Doors) and I attended three shows. He was awarded Best Puppy in Group four times. Thank you so much to Judges Mr. Thomas Nesbitt, Mr James Reynolds, Mr David Swartwood, and Mr Peter Machen. Below are official pictures with Judges Mr Reynolds and Mr Machen.

Twice he was given Best of Breed over four mature specials. A wonderful recognition for this 7 / 8 month old puppy.

Seven obtained his CKC Championship with a Best of Breed win on November 23rd at 8 months old. Thank you so much to Judge Andrew Brown for this win.


September 2019

Seven turned six months old on September 20th and we decided to attend the Club Canine Chomeday show at the end of September. He earned his first points toward his Canadian championship. I am very excited about this boys future.

July 2019

Seven came out for some of the shows at the Kars Kennel Club show in July. Dogs can be entered in shows in the Baby Puppy class from 3-6 months, there are no championship points available, only the experience of a conformation show.

He was Best Baby Puppy in the Sporting Group for his first show. And Best Baby Puppy in a Limited Show for France Breeds on another day. We both had fun which is all that I ever hope for in any show but so important for a first experience.

Here are a couple of pictures from this weekend. Seven is exactly four months old in these pictures. Love the way this puppy moves, we are going to have tons of fun.

June 2019

Throughout June my keeper puppy had trips to different stores, a farm to meet horses and chickens, and time at the office. And of course lots of walks where each day we met new people. Events like this are a wonderful opportunity during this important age of 8 to 16 weeks.

Here are pictures of Seven (TreeBeard’s Open The Pod Doors) having fun on these field trips.

April/May 2019

April and May were devoted to socializing puppies. It is so important to have them experience age appropriate activities, including meeting new people. See the PUPPY page for pictures as they grew and new families.

This is a picture of them playing with balls in the turtle box.

March 2019

On March 20th, Scarlett brought seven beautiful puppies into the world. This was the official first day of Spring, a wonderful way to start the season. All seven are boys, 6 black with some white toes and chests, and 1 brown. Mom and puppies are all healthy and doing well. And Scarlett is an awesome Mom. We are very excited about this litter and look forward to watching them grow.

January/February 2019

In January Scarlett and I traveled to Vermont for a breeding that had been planned for some time. It was a lovely drive on the way down. While we were there Vermont had one of the biggest snow falls in history, aka Snowmagedonn. It was a beautiful stay, and Scarlett was quite taken with her new beau.

Here is a picture from the window of the cottage we stayed in, and Scarlett looking out the window wondering when she gets to hang out with Jordy again.

Valentines Day was just the perfect day to see little heartbeats on Scarlett’s ultrasound.

We are so looking forward to meeting Scarlett and Jordy puppies in late March. I just loved this boy Jordy from the Netherlands from the first time I saw him a couple of years ago as a baby puppy. And I couldn’t be prouder of our girl Scarlett and all of her achievements. Thank you so much to Lynn Vogt-Kinsey, and Leslie Vogt Woodward for allowing Jordy to be a part of the next TreeBeard litter. I could not be more thrilled. Special thanks Anne Plomp who is Jordy’s breeder, for your support, and for bringing such an exceptional Barbet into the world.



Fall/Winter 2018

On Friday September 28th I woke to the news from Ellen that Flora (Ginko De Isis Flora Ethelred) x Jack (TreeBeard's Jack Of All Trades) puppies had begun to arrive.

Eight beautiful babies - 5 females and 3 males. Well done Flora. Jack sends kisses. Thank you so much Ellen Rich and Stacy Able . I am honoured to be a part of this litter.

October 20th -Somebody is two years old today. Love this girl. TreeBeard's Barbetdeau Mirage – Scarlett.

Proud breeder moment. I am Over The Moon thrilled at the many achievements of this boy. GCHEX TreeBeard's Galileo CGN was awarded his first BIS at 15 months and his second BIS only one month later. He went on to have many other accomplishments.

Last week he received another Best Veteran in Show ending the year with Best Veteran ALL Breeds. A first for the Barbet. What an amazing achievement.

A huge thank you Heath and Helen Kenyon for all of the love and care you give to Oreo. To his best friend Larry Clark for piloting him to so many achievements. And to the many others who are an important part of Team Oreo.

And to you Oreo, well done and Merry Christmas.

Summer 2018

August 4th, seven beautiful Barbets were welcomed to the world. Four boys and three girls. Blue Spruce Kismet (Laurel) is being a great mom. Dad TreeBeard's Jack Of All Trades (Jack) send hugs. Congratulations to Mary Spies.

On August 7th I flew to Amsterdam to attend the World Dog Show. Always wanted to go to Amsterdam and I always wanted to attend a WDS, so two things off the bucket list. I was just a spectator as I wanted to be able to take it all in.

WOW. The total entry was 33,500 dogs. Not a typo. So about 11,000 to 12,000 dogs each day. You had to plan things out with so many rings and such a huge show site. Loved being able to see Barbets I have never seen in person before, meet friends I have only spoken to by email, phone, or Facebook, and see so many breeds. And yes I did manage to take in the sights too. A great city.

I traveled with my Canadian friends. Picture of a dinner out with fellow Barbet breeders from across Europe. And Group 5 in the ring 49 breeds.

Our National Specialty for the Barbet was held on August 25th at Long Sault, Ontario. A great turn out beautiful Barbets. Thank you so much to Judge Rui Oliveira for judging our Barbet National Specialty. And for this honour. Award of Merit for GCH TreeBeard's Barbetdeau Mirage (Scarlett).

Spring 2018

On March 10th Kadji (Barbochos 3 Rivierers Kadji) x Jack (TreeBeard’s Jack Of All Trades) puppies started to arrive. Here is a picture of the first girl born this morning at 2:45 am.

Thank you so much Jacques Cyr for thinking of Jack for this lovely breeding.

April 26th, Darwin hanging out in the kitchen this morning. This handsome boy is 10-years old today. I honestly don't know where the time went. He has brought a smile to my face everyday. A once in a lifetime dog. A first for the breed in so many things. But first in my heart. Extra cookies today.

June 15, 2018 - Group 3 for Scarlett today at the Kingston show. Sincere thank you to Judge Paul Odenkirchen.

December 2017

Scarlett and I attended the Elora Gorge show this month. At 14 months of age this girl is already exceeding all of my hopes and dreams.

Thank you so much Judge Garth Gourlay for this lovely recognition of Scarlett at the South Western Ontario All Retreiver Society Specialty Show. Scarlett (TreeBeard's Barbetdeau Mirage) received her Grand Championship this day also.

A very sincere thank you to Judge Kim Hamel for awarding Scarlett Best of Breed at the Barbet Specialty hosted by the Barbet Fanciers Association of Ontario.

Thank to the club for putting on a wonderful event.

She also became a Grand Champion this weekend. What a wonderful way to close out 2017.

Summer/Fall 2017

Home from a fun July 17th weekend with Scarlett. A Group 2, 2 x Group 3, and a Group 4 at the Maple Leaf UKC show. The skies opened up, with a little thunder thrown in just as we were getting ready to come home. Thank you Judges Darryl Hurst, Joanne Hurst, Linda Phillip, and Philip Wendling.

On July 19th Scarlett completed her Intermediate Obedience classes. Looking forward to doing more with this girl.

Scarlett and I went to the Mapleleaf UKC show today just for the one day on August 7th. It was nice to meet another Barbet at this event. Scarlett was BOB, obtaining her UKC Championship and then went on to be recognized with a group 2. Thank you to Judge Joseph Gubry Jr. So proud of this girl at 9 months.

TreeBeard’s Luxury Edition known as Luna achieved her Coursing Aptitude today. This girl is a natural. Can’t believe how fast and focused she is.

Best Puppy in Sporting today at the TIKO show on August 18th for Scarlett (TreeBeard's Barbetdeau Mirage). A sincere thank you to Judge Cheryl Paterson for this recognition.

May 2017

May was a whirlwind month for Scarlett. In her first three weekends she become a Canadian Champion. Including three Best Puppy in Group, BOB over Specials, and a Group 3 placement.

Scarlett (TreeBeard's Barbetdeau Mirage) and I had a fun day at the Arnprior dog show on May 14th. Thank you so much to Judge Larry Kereluke for the Best Puppy in Group win. A lovely Mother's Day.

On May 21st, Scarlett and I attended the Hochelaga Kennel Club show. This girl was Best of Breed over specials. So happy with this seven month old.

Two pictures from this weekend. A sincere thank you to Judge Stephen Andrews for awarding this puppy a Group 3 and BPIG in such a lovely group of sporting dogs. And to Judge Dr Terill Udenberg for the BPIG. Such kind words from both judges. Saturday was a hot and long day. I think Scarlett held up better than I did.

Second Half 2016

The last half of 2016 was filled with fun at shows with Jack, the joy of Julia having a beautiful litter, and a new puppy in our household.

On October 20th TreeBeard’s Jewel Barbetdeau (Julia) brought 7 beautiful puppies into the world – 5 females and 2 males.

On December 16th TreeBeard’s Barbetdeau Mirage joined our family. Her call name is Scarlett. I am looking forward to presenting this girl in 2017.

And TreeBeard’s Jack Of All Trades finished 2016 at the #1 Barbet. Love this boy.

May 2016

The puppies had a fun day at a farm where they also had Volhard Puppy Aptitude testing. They have now all begun new adventures with wonderful families. See the PUPPY page for pictures.

The last weekend in May I attended the Ottawa Kennel Club show in Richmond. It was fun to get out and show Jack again. When puppies are at home I stay close as I don’t want to miss a minute. We had an amazing weekend with three Group 1 placements. Jack is such a beautiful Barbet and such a delight to show.

Thank you so much to Judges Thomas Alexander, Sandy Alexander and Douglas Smith for these placements and your kind words.

Richmond was a good show for me. Three Group 1's with Jack. It was so hot that weekend good thing the show was 15 minutes from my house.

April 2016

Puppies have moved from the quiet of the whelping room to the dining room area of our house where they can experience the sounds and activity of everyday life. Puppy greetings are such a wonderful way to start the day. The puppies are just over three weeks in this photo.

Jack attended the show in Petawawa with Linda at the end of April. So proud of this boy.

And on April 26th Darwin turned 8-years old. Darwin still makes me smile every day. I could not have asked for a better Barbet in my life. Happy Birthday Darwin.

March 2016

On March 10th Hazel (GCH TreeBeard's Galapagos Girl) brought 6 beautiful puppies into the world.
4 females (2 black and 2 brown)
2 males (both brown).
Most of the puppies have some white toes or a white patch on their chest just like their handsome father CH Courailee Freezby.

Here is a picture of the puppies on day 3 – March 13
For other pictures see the puppy page.

February 2016

It is a YES.

Hazel is pregnant.

January 2016

The year started with a road trip.

A breeding of GCH TreeBeard's Galapagos Girl (Hazel) and CH Courailee Freezby has been planned for well over a year now. So when the progesterone numbers said it was time we were ready. Jackie Eau came along for the trip too.

Thank you so much Lyne Trudel for a great weekend and for allowing this breeding to your lovely boy Freezby. So much fun to spend time with you again, and to see Carole and Isabelle. To be able to pay a visit to Claude and Dominic and see Fidji's puppies, and my girl Julia (CH TreeBeard’s Jewel Barbetdeau) was such a delight. A bonus to the trip. One of the joys of breeding is the wonderful people that come into your life. From the breeder of your first dog, to those people who have the same breed as you, and those people who have different breeds. There are the awesome people who are now family because they have one of your puppies. The people who are there for you and help you with your dogs in so many ways. And the people you meet at dog related events from shows to seminars. Some of those you meet only once and they offer a gesture or piece of advice that is more helpful than they will ever know.

These are a couple of pictures from this weekend. I would not know these ladies unless we were all part of this incredible breed.

December 2015

Socks in your Christmas stocking is a tradition at our house. This year Santa brought me extra special ones. Six pairs of socks with Barbets on them (at least that is the story I am going with). Perfect.

Hazel came into season on Christmas Day. I am interpreting this as her present to me. A breeding that has been planned between Hazel and Freezby for well over a year will take place early in the New Year. Stay tuned for updates.

Happy New Year. Wishing everyone a year filled with health, happiness and love.

November 2015

At the Belleville & District Kennel Club Show Jack (TreeBeard's Jack Of All Trades) was awarded a Reserve Best in Show by Judge Roger Hartinger. Mr. Hartinger also recognized Jack with a Group 1. And Judge Paula Hartinger award Jack a Group 1 also. Judge Jacqueline Rusby recognized Jack with a Group 2. What an amazing weekend. So happy with this boy at 16 months. A picture from the show and in an ad.

Love this picture Tina sent me of Chase (TreeBeard's Limited Edition) all curled up with his toy duck. What a gorgeous coat on this boy.

October 2015

This is a picture of the trophies at the Morris & Essex Kennel Club show on October 1st in Somerset New Jersey. So glad I made the long drive to attend this show, soak up the atmosphere, and watch some beautiful dogs. With an entry of over 4,600 dogs, 78 judges, 27 rings, and 120 specialities or supported entries this is quite an event. This one day show takes place once every five years. No Barbets in 2015 as they are not yet fully recognized in the AKC. Looking forward to going back in 2020.

Jackie Eau (TreeBeard's Just Add Water) is such a sweet girl. Here are a couple of pictures of her hanging out in the kitchen while I make breakfast.

And Jack in his “Jack O'Lantern” costume.

September 2015

Chase – TreeBeard's Limited Edition is in an incredible home in Gander Newfoundland where he has the opportunity to swim and get lots of play time. And of course spoiled rotten.

Luna – TreeBeard's Luxury Edition is also in a wonderful home, where is enjoying life with Monty (TreeBeard's Goldeneye). Here she is standing pretty.

And Jack – TreeBeard's Jack Of All Trades is having fun at the conformation shows.

August 2015

I had the pleasure of Julia (TreeBeard's Jewel Barbetdeau) coming to stay with us for a few weeks so that she could be shown. Linda got off to a great start showing Julia at a show in Quebec. Here are some pictures of me and Julia at the SD&G show at the end of August. Julia became a Champion in just three weekends. My hair looks a little wild but the look on my face is pure pride. Thank you Claude and Dominic for the wonderful home you give to Julia. This is Claude in Championship picture with me.

At the SD&G show Linda presented Jack. Jack was awarded a Group 3 by Judge Dr Chapa in a very strong sporting group.

July 2015

HAPPY CANADA DAY – the “L” litter puppies at 10 days old.

Yin Yang moment – TreeBeard's Luxury Edition (black female) and TreeBeard's Limited Edition (brown male) at 5 weeks old on July 26th.

JUNE 2015

Jack had an awesome weekend at the St Francais Kennel Club show in Brome Quebec, his last weekend as a puppy. He placed in the group on all five shows including two group 1'st. Best Puppy in Group for all 5 shows, and three Best Puppy in Show placements. What an amazing start this young man has had in the ring. We look forward to presenting him throughout 2015.

On June 15th the TreeBeard's “J” litter turned one.
Happy Birthday to:

Here are pictures of three of the birthday babies, Jackie Eau, Jack and Fynn

June 20th – August brought two perfect puppies into the world. A black female and a brown male. The sire of this litter is Nappyroots Mr Brown (Angus). See the January news for pictures of this handsome boy. We are thrilled with the “A TEAM” puppies (August x Angus). For more pictures of the puppies follow the weekly pictures on the puppy page.

MAY 2015

On the weekend of May 23 / 24 I travelled with Jack to the show in Thetford Mines, Quebec. Julia (TreeBeard's Jewel Barbetdeau) was also at that show and it was great to see this lovely girl and spend some time with Claude. Julia and Claude looked lovely in the ring together.

Thank you so very much to Judge Rita Walker for recognizing Jack with a Group 4, and to Judge Christopher Neilson for Jack's Best Puppy in Group placement

Here is a cute picture of Mom Hazel (TreeBeard's Galapagos Girl) with her daughter Jackie Eau (TreeBeard's Just Add Water), this girls hanging out in the kitchen. I think they are both smiling for the camera.

APRIL 2015

On the weekend of April 11th both Jack and Jackie Eau went to the Champlain dog show in Petawawa. Jack took the breed each show. And went on to Best Puppy in Group and Group placements. This was Jack's first show as a Champion. Thank you to Linda Thompson for presenting him so beautifully.

And a sincere thank you to:
Judge David Swartwood for the BPIG and Group 1 recognition
and to
Judge Anik Primeau for the BPIG and Group 4 recognition.

MARCH 2015

This month we stayed close to home and simply enjoyed walks and time spent with the dogs. Here is a picture of TreeBeard's Just Add Water (Jackie Eau) in the kitchen.

And TreeBeard's Java Bean (Ulyee) on March break with Rowan


TREEBEARD'S JACK OF ALL TRADES (Jack) became a Canadian Champion on February 15th, in just his second show weekend. What a great way to celebrate his 8 month birthday.



I am excited to announce the planned breeding of Nappyroots Mr Brown, and CH CA, CH INT Poppenspaler's Dea Augusta.

Nappyroots Mr Brown is a lovely boy with a sweet temperament. Angus as he is known by gets to enjoy long days at the family cottage in the summer, where he can be found dock diving, or hanging out in a boat. He is also the family hunting dog. So doing things that a Barbet does. Angus can be seen sporting a kilt at the annual Perth Kilt run. Given my Scottish heritage I find this particularly endearing. Thank you to Ula and Chris Pepper the breeders of Nappyroots Mr Brown. And to Sean and Jasna Czaharnski for the wonderful home you have provided Angus with.

This will be the third and last litter for August. I count my lucky stars every day that this girl is in my life. August rocked the confirmation ring in the days she was shown, and is a Canadian and International Champion and a BPIS winner. She is incredibly smart and very agile. The hunting instinct is very strong with her although this is not an activity that we have pursued. A walk often involves her stopping to point because a bird is up in a tree. August is also a big softie who likes to cuddle. She was a wonderful mother to her first two litters and I know she will excel at this again.



For the last weekend of the year I ventured to the Elora Gorge show in Kitchener, Ontario with two of the Father's Day Bunch puppies, Jack and Jackie Eau. This was their first big show. There was also a Barbet Speciality hosted by the Barbet Fanciers Association of Ontario at this event. With an entry of 13 Barbets. So nice to see such a great turn out.

A huge thanks to Sydney Robinson for presenting Jack for me. Thank you to the Barbet Fanciers for putting on such a wonderful speciality. And to Judge Mrs. Natalja Skalin from Sweden for your recognition of these puppies and the positive comments you had for them.

Here is Jack's official picture (TreeBeard's Jack Of All Trades) pictured with Sydney and his Best Of Winners ribbon.

And Jackie Eau (TreeBeard's Just Add Water) and me with her Reserve Winners Bitch ribbon.



During the fall three of the puppies went to their first confirmation shows in the Baby Puppy Class. This class is for puppies between three and six months. They are too young to earn any points towards their championship titles but it is wonderful practice for them to experience the show atmosphere. We keep it fun for the puppies. Julia (TreeBeard's Jewel Barbetdeau), Jackie Eau (TreeBeard's Just Add Water), and Jack (TreeBeard's Jack Of All Trades) all looked great in the ring. So proud of these puppies.

Here is a picture of Jackie Eau that Claude sent me. It is a little fuzzy but you can see that this girl has lovely movement and great reach on her go around.

And a picture of Jack, with his Best Baby Puppy in Sporting Group at the Ottawa Kennel Club Show. Thank you so much Judge Guy Jeavons for this recognition.


FALL 2014

The “J” litter puppies experienced their first obedience classes, a great way to continue socialization. Thank you to everyone for doing this and congratulations to all the graduates.

Jackie Eau (TreeBeard's Just Add Water) – with our Halloween pumpkin

Jack (TreeBeard's Jack Of All Trades) - on Brittany and Karsten's step with their pumpkin

Ulyee (TreeBeard's Java Bean) – dressed up as The Butler

Ulyee (TreeBeard's Java Bean) - The Butler in a family Halloween picture.

Alfie (TreeBeard's Jack of Hearts) - The sweetest Devil ever.





It was a wonderful summer watching the puppies grow and learn. I love this experience. Each of the puppies went to the perfect home. It is always a bittersweet moment when they leave. But when you see the bond that forms immediately you know these puppies are going to have a wonderful life.

Here are some pictures of three of the pups in their new homes.

Ulyee (TreeBeard's Java Bean) enjoying his new back yard.

Alfie (TreeBeard's Jack of Hearts) this boy is loving life on the farm and having the toys all to himself.

Julia (TreeBeard's Jewel Barbetdea) on the dock. This lucky girl is getting to experience the water.

Julia (TreeBeard's Jewel Barbetdeau) with her new best friend Barbet Fidji.


JUNE 15, 2014

On Sunday June 15th Hazel brought 6 beautiful Barbet puppies into the world, 2 girls and 4 boys. Love that these puppies were born on Father's Day, such a special and meaningful gift for me. The puppies will be registered with names beginning with the letter “J”.

The Father's Day Bunch in birth order are:

  • Brown male with a white chest and white toes on two feet
  • Black male with two white stripes on his chest and white toes on two feet
  • Black male
  • Black female – with a white collar to distinguish her from her sister
  • Black female – with a green collar
  • Brown male

Here is a picture of the puppies about an hour after they were born.

And another when they are five days old.

Check out the PUPPY page for regular updates of the June litter


MAY 12, 2014

Just back from the vet with Hazel. It's a YES. Puppies mid-June.


So excited about this litter with Hazel (TreeBeard's Galapagos Girl) and Echo (Couraillee Echo). Thank you again to Lyne Trudel for such a handsome boy as Echo for Hazel's first litter.

Hazel turned three in February and this lovely girl rocked the ring in CKC, FCC, UKC and AKC FSS shows. I'm very proud of her accomplishments.


MAY 2, 2014

On May 2nd the TreeBeard's "I" litter turned one year old. There were 4 girls and 3 boys. Here are pictures of the four girls.

TreeBeard's In A Gadda da Vida lives in a fantastic home with Dawn and some wonderful canine companions. Dawn is an agility trainer extraordinaire. And "Vida" could not be in better hands for her future in this activity. Dawn tells me she is a natural. I look forward to following Vida and Dawn's adventures. Thanks Dawn I am over the moon that you will be doing this with a Barbet. A breed that is a natural for agility.

I had a chance to go and visit TreeBeard's Indigo Blue (Millie) yesterday. Stunning, this pretty girl is just like her Mom August in so many ways (structure and personality) but with her Dad Darwin's colour. John and Paddy smiling in the back ground are such great owners. Millie spends lots of time at the cottage in summer where she bounds in to the lake, and winters near the ski hills. Mixed in with frequent visits to a nursing home where she is a hit, and works her magic with some therapy. Happy Birthday Millie.

This is TreeBeard's Icing on the Cake. Now known and loved as Maci. Maci lives in Gander Newfoundland and is training for upland game hunting. And of course enjoying family time with Nancy, Mike, Lily, and Noah. Thanks you guys.

TreeBeard's Isosceles Dancing. This lovely girl gets lots of attention with Line, Daniel and their seven sons. Marlie is her name. Hmmmm can you tell Darwin is her Dad. Happy 1st birthday Marlie.


APRIL 26, 2014


BarbuGaulois Darwin celebrates his 6th birthday today. This boy is as handsome as ever. A picture from today. One from the first day I brought him home. And one of his firsts for the breed. The Best in Show... picture. First BIS for the Barbet, first in a Canadian National Specialty, first Grand and Grand CH Excellent. Thank you again Michel. Thank you Linda for all your help. And thank you Darwin for everything.




MARCH 26, 2014


I am very excited to share the news that Oreo (MBIS GChEx TREEBEARD'S GALILEO CGN) is now officially a CKC Grand Champion Excellent. The CKC confirmed this title awhile back but I wanted to wait and share the news when the certificate came in. There are only three Barbets that have achieved this title. Oreo's Dad Darwin (BIS BISS GChEx Int Ch BARBUGAULOIS DARWIN CGN) was the first. Oreo was the youngest Barbet to win a Best in Show. This TreeBeard puppy was aptly named as he aimed for the stars. Thank you Helen and Heath for all of your hard work, and for the loving home you have given this boy.




FEBRUARY 28, 2014


We are thrilled to announce the planned breeding this spring of Hazel and Echo.

This will be Hazel's first litter and knowing how much she enjoys playing big sister and aunt we have no doubt she will be a wonderful mom. This sweet girl of ours has exceeded our expectations in the confirmation ring. Details of her accomplishments can be seen on her page, and in other news items. Hazel has passed all of her health clearances and her information is registered on the OFA database, and with the CHIC registry.

The sire of this litter is Canadian Champion CH Courailee Echo, a lovely 4-year old boy. He has passed all of his health clearances with OFA Hips Good, OFA Elbows Normal, Eyes CERF Normal, OFA Thyroid Normal, this information is registered on the OFA database. Echo is a handsome, healthy and very sweet gentle boy. I am so very grateful to Lyne Trudel for allowing me to use this exceptional boy. Lyne has been breeding Barbets for many years, and has been instrumental in the introduction of the breed to Canada. She is devoted to the Barbets preservation and health and is always happy to share her experience and knowledge.

I can't wait to meet the beautiful puppies these two will bring into the world.


Champion Echo


FEBRUARY 2, 2014


The TreeBeard's “G” litter, sometimes referred to as the Groundhog Day gang, turned three years old today.

TreeBeard's Galapagos Girl, known and loved as Hazel sends out a big Happy Birthday to her six brothers. So proud of the accomplishments and success of this girl and her brothers. And so happy with the loving homes all the puppies are in.

This is a picture of Hazel and I on her birthday, and one from July 2013.


JANUARY 1, 2014


I am so looking forward to Hazel puppies this year. Very proud of the accomplishments and recognition of this beautiful girl. I am celebrating that with this ad in Canadian Dog Fancier.



This year winter seemed to have started much earlier and the temperature was particularly cold on a number of days. A perfect excuse to find every opportunity for indoor time with family (family includes the dogs of course), and friends.

Darwin has the right idea in this picture relaxing on the couch. And I joined him right after taking this phone picture. Spot the Barbet, where does the dog end and the couch begin.

I hope that everyone had a very Merry Christmas and had time to enjoy with family, friends, and your Barbets.

Wishing you all health and happiness for 2014.



On November 2nd and 3rd, Hazel and I ventured to Montreal for a UKC confirmation show. It was a very successful weekend as Hazel become a UKC champion. A great way to end the shows for 2013.

I am thrilled with the accomplishments of this young girl. We call her Hazel but her official name is CAN GCH, FCC CH, UKC CH TREEBEARD'S GALAPAGOS GIRL. This multi group winning girl is the first female Barbet to become a Canadian Grand Champion (her dad Darwin was the first and then the first Grand Excellent). A FCC Champion, with 3 of the 4 required CACS's for her FCC Elite. And a UKC Champion qualifying in the UKC top ten for 2013. In October she was awarded a Group 2, and a Group 3 in a two show AKC FSS weekend in New Jersey. This was her first show in the United States. To have this recognition from so many qualified judges in these various organizations is a true honour.

We are excited about breeding Hazel in the spring.



Hazel and I attended our first AKC show on October 12th. The show took place in Manalapan New Jersey so it was a bit of hike. However so worth it, great weather, and a chance to meet Tracey Schnabel and her lovely Barbet Tug. Tug is a lovely gentle boy who includes therapy work among his achievements.

The Barbet show in Open Shows in the US with other FSS (Foundation Stock Service) breeds. There were other breeds there that are recognized in Canada but have not achieved full recognition in the US simply due to numbers. One day they will be. And of course there were breeds I had not seen before which is always a wonderful experience.

Hazel was awarded with a Group 3 placement under Judge Kenneth Rayner, and a Group 2 under Judge Lawrence Terricone. Here is a picture of her Group 2 win.

On the weekend of October 26th I got to spend some time with Anne and Ben and Monty (TreeBeard's GoldenEye) while attending the Belleville show. Thank you Anne and Ben for your gracious hospitality, great food, and wonderful conversation. And let's not forget the wine. Hazel and Monty relived some of their puppy experience where Hazel reminded Monty she was boss and lived up to her name of a word that rhymes with itch. Kidding of course, my son says Hazel is the sweetest girl ever, but she is the boss of Monty. They had a good time chasing each other and in between would come and lie down at our feet to catch their breath. Bother and sister in a moment of calm.



I love this September Canuckdogs ad for Hazel. Put together by Wendy Reyn with pictures by Holly Michael.

Hazel and I attended the FCC show in St Louis Quebec on September 7th and 8th. She got Excellent write ups from each of the four judges and a Group 3 placement. We had an entry of 14 Barbets and there were others there to cheer us on. A great party on the Saturday evening. Good friends and your dogs it doesn't get much better than that. Check out this cake. A Barbet made of chocolate icing. Hmmm... almost as sweet as the real thing.

Maci (TreeBeard's Icing on the Cake) retrieving a goose wing in Gander Newfoundland. This 4 1/2 month old puppy is eager to please and has a wonderful nose. She is off to a great start in her upland game hunting training. A wonderful family with kids to play with, swimming, and a future hunting career makes for one happy Barbet.

This happy puppy is TreeBeard's Isosceles Dancing, now called Marlie. She will be 5 months old on October 2nd. This pretty girl reminds me a lot of her father Darwin.



Hazel and I attended the Ste Foy show near Quebec City on the first weekend of the month. Where she became the first female Barbet CKC GRAND CHAMPION. Very proud of my girl. Her Dad Darwin was the first Barbet to achieve this title before going on to other firsts for the breed.

A big thank you to Judge Roger Hartinger who awarded us a Group 4 at the TIKO show in Brockville on August 16th.

The last weekend of the month we attended the SD&G show in Long Sault, Ontario. This is one of the most beautiful settings that one could hope for. There is always a large entry for the sporting group and a number of specialties at this event. A booster for the Barbet was held on the Saturday with an entry of 15 Barbets. Hazel was Best of Opposite on this day.

Club Barbet Canada held our annual AGM on Saturday August 24th at the Long Sault show. The club is the CKC National club for the breed. There were three directors who have served on the board for many years and were now passing the torch on to others. Louise Nadeau the clubs President, Isabelle Ringuet Secretary, and Michele Raymond, Director of Communications and past Director of Quebec have all worked very hard on behalf of the club. I have been serving as the clubs Vice President and will stay on the board as a director. Here is a picture of me and Louise.


JULY 2013

The May gang all went on to begin new adventures with fantastic families. Throughout July I continued to receive pictures and news of the socialization and experiences these puppies continue to have. Whether it was visits to a nursing home, walks, meeting horses, swimming, or starting puppy classes all of these puppies are off to a great start. Thanks everyone.

Hazel went to the show in Chateauguay Quebec the first weekend in July and was awarded a Group 2 by Judge Wendy Schira, and a Group 3 by Judge Janet Lobb.

Ethan our 11 year old poodle doesn't often get mentioned in my news. This boy is our elder statesmen, a perfect gentlemen and behaves like the biggest puppy in the house. Love ya sweetie.

Later in July I had the chance to get together with photographer Holly Michael who took some lovely pictures of Hazel. Thanks Holly for capturing this lovely girl.


JUNE 2013

The month of June seemed to fly by. Puppies go through so many changes from week 4 to week 8 it is just an amazing experience to be a part of. Visitations for new puppy families happened each weekend and for those that could not come because of distance Skype and Iphone calls with the reverse camera took care of that. This is a wonderful opportunity to socialize the puppies and to let new puppy families be a part of that experience. Again I am so fortunate that all of these puppies are in incredible homes. See the puppy page for weekly pictures.

Hazel was awarded two Group 3 placements at the St. Francis show on June 15th and 16th. Thank you to both Judge Jack Ireland and Shirley Limoges. A true honor to be recognized by these judges.

The warmer weather brings swimming opportunities. Here is a picture of TreeBeard's Gilgamesh (Raven) on the deck at the cottage. “King of the Lake”.

On the last weekend of June TreeBeard's Galileo known as Oreo got his second Best in Show under Judge Doug Windsor. Oreo's first Best in Show was in May under Judge Polly Smith. I am over the moon with the achievements of this dog. The youngest Barbet to get a BIS. Thank you Helen and Heath for all of your hard work.

Puppies turned 8 weeks at the end of June and the first puppy to leave was TreeBeard's Icing on the Cake, now known as Maci. Maci flew in cabin on Air Canada to Gander Newfoundland. Here is a picture of Maci in her new home on the morning she arrived.   


MAY 2013

On Thursday May 2nd,  August brought 7 beautiful Barbets into the world, four girls and three boys.
All puppies were healthy weights and are doing well.  As is mom.
Puppies will be registered with names beginning with the letter “I”. This follows the tradition in France where a letter is chosen for each year, and 2013 is “I”.
Here is a picture of the new family on day 1 – May 2, 2013.   The gang lined up for feeding.  August is such a wonderful Mom, absolutely amazing to watch.   The Magnificent Seven in birth order are:
Brown Female – with a black ribbon
Brown Female – with a blue ribbon
Brown Male – with an orange ribbon
Brown Female – with a tan ribbon
Black Male – with a brown ribbon
Brown Female – with a purple ribbon
Black Male – with a red ribbon.  

The Magnificent Seven

And another picture of the puppies on day 6

Treebeard puppies on day 6

Check the puppy page for regular updates of the May litter.


APRIL 2013

This month was a fairly quiet time.  Priority was August and preparation for puppies expected around May 4th.  Here is a picture of August's growing belly on April 14th, with three weeks to go.

An x-ray on April 25 showed six puppies very clearly with the possibility of a seventh.  Seven is a favorite number of mine, so fingers are crossed.   But healthy babies and an easy safe delivery for Mom is always my first wish.  The whelping room is all ready and I'll start camping out there this weekend, and continue to sleep there for a couple of weeks after.     A picture of August hanging out on the bed in the whelping room. 


MARCH 2013

The month started out wonderfully and ended even better.

On March 2nd and 3rd I attended a two-day conference titled “Transformational Puppy Rearing and Evaluation”.   The seminar was presented by Dr. Gayle Watkins.   

Breeding, puppy rearing, and dog ownership is a continual learning experience, and I try to take advantage of these educational experiences whenever I can.  I can not say enough good things about this seminar and would highly recommend it.    Much of the information focused on rearing and socializing puppies and matching puppies and owners, or as Gayle would say matching “dogs and owners”.    Those first weeks are so important for introducing puppies to different experiences and in just the right order to bring out the best that that puppy can be.    There were a number of  new socialization techniques that I learned that I will definitely put in place for my next litter.   Which brings me to the next piece of good news for the start of the month.

The seminar was in Kemptville, Ontario about 25 minutes from my house which allowed me to come home at night.   Very important because this was the weekend that August was ready to be bred. 

The last weekend of the month I took Hazel to the Nickel Kennel Club show in Coniston, Ontario, which is near Sudbury.      It was a fun weekend and I had the pleasure of meeting some new people, it is always interesting to learn more about other breeds.    Hazel got a Group 4 placement on the Sunday, a very big Thank You to Judge Wendy Schira.     Recognition coming from a judge who knows the breed so well is particularly meaningful.

It is a “YES”.  An ultrasound on March 25th confirmed August is pregnant.  Darwin is the proud father.   We are now counting down the days for puppies to arrive around May 4th. 


The wonderful two's. Whoever said terrible two's didn't have a Barbet in their lives The Groundhog Day Gang turned two on February 2nd. Time has simply flown by. I feel incredibly fortunate that each of these puppies went to such lovely families. And that each puppy seems to be in just the right place for them. Starring in birth order.

TreeBeard's Galahad - known now as Logan - loved by Kathy, George, Matina, Dina and Ilias. Look at those sweet eyes, don't they just melt your heart.

TreeBeard's Galileo – known as Oreo – loved by Helen and Heath.

TreeBeard's Goldeneye – known as Monty – loved by Anne and Ben With his birthday cookies and outside looking very dapper.

TreeBeard's Galapagos Girl – known as Hazel – loved by myself, Jeremy and Brandon

TreeBeard's Gilgamesh – known as Raven – loved by Joanne, Tom, Charlotte and Grace

TreeBeard's Guinness – known as Logan – loved by Micheline and Kent Enjoying his birthday present.

TreeBeard's Gandalf – known as Chopin – loved by Denise Playing in the snow. “I found it”, “Back to you to throw it again”, “Boy that breeze feels good”.

On February 4th daddy Darwin earned a new title. Grand Champion Excellent.

Another first for the breed. I would love this boy even without a single title to his name. But he has gone on to amaze me and his breeder Michel Raymond far beyond expectations. And to shine such a positive light on the breed. Darwin, sometimes called Mr. D is totally unaware of the letters in front and behind his name BIS BISS CAN GCHEX INT CH BarbuGaulois Darwin CGN.


Happy New Year
A couple of fun items to start the year off with.

TreeBeard's Gilgamesh, who goes by the call name of Raven has an active life with Tom, Joanne, Grace, and Charlotte.In addition to rocking in agility classes, like one of his brothers, and getting water time in the summer, check out his other talent. Below is a short YouTube video of Raven pulling Tom while Tom is on his roller blades. They purchased a special harness for this that makes it easier for a dog to pull. Harnesses sold in a pet store are designed to discourage a dog from pulling, however sled dog harnesses make it easier for the dog. I have been told Raven is even faster at this if the girls are on their bikes, however for this video they were the film crew. Great work girls.

TreeBeard's Goldeneye (Monty) has a new friend. While out for a walk at the Conservation Area he met a PIG! Pearl the pig lives on a farm that abuts the trail and often gets lose and goes for a stroll. Here are some pictures from their first encounter. I think both of their tails are wagging. Pearl has come out to greet Monty on subsequent occasions. After all who could resist a handsome boy like Monty.

Hazel and I attended the Wildwood show in Woodstock Ontario at the end of the month. She was awarded a Group 2 on the first day of the show. Thank you so much to Judge Wendy Schira for this wonderful recognition and great start to the year.


I hope that everyone had a very Merry Christmas and had time to enjoy with family, friends and your Barbets.

Wishing you all health and happiness for 2013.

TreeBeard's Goldeneye known and loved as Monty had the opportunity to come across a Nativity while out for a walk in December. I am not sure what he is chatting to one of the Wise Men about, but they look quite engaged. Monty then has a kiss for baby Jesus. And a nod to the ram before going on his way. Thank you Anne and Ben for sharing these pictures of Monty, perfect for the season.


Hazel had a wonderful start to October with four group placements at the Nipissing Kennel Club show in Trout Creek, Ontario. Thank you to all of these judges.

Group 2 – Judge Thora Brown
Group 2 – Judge Patricia Lanctot
Group 3 – Judge Alan Brown
Group 3 – Judge Michael Lanctot.

At the United Kennel Club show in Montreal on November 2nd she received a Group 4 placement from Judge Sue-Ellyn Rempel.
And I was very proud of her Best Bred by Exhibitor in the Sporting group at the Ottawa Kennel Club show later in November. A big thank you to Judge Larry Kereluke. As a breeder this ribbon has special meaning. Below is a picture of Hazel and myself from that day.


The month started with Hazel entered for two of the days at Cornwall show on the Labour Day weekend. She placed in the group on each of these days. Thank you:
Judge Ed Wild for the Group 3rd
Judge Carmen Haller for the Group 2nd

The following weekend I took Hazel to a FCC (Federation Canine Du Canada) show in St Louis, Quebec. This show is not a CKC (Canadian Kennel Club) event. It was judged under the FCI format, therefore the same format and rules as a show in Europe. There are 10 groups under FCI rules and the Barbets, being duck retrievers, are in Group 8 – Cheins Rapporteurs et Leveurs / Pointing. Dogs that retrieve, point and flush are in this group, so along with the Barbet are Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, Springers, Nova Scotia Duck Toller Retrievers and others.

These shows have a nice format in which the judge provides a written critique of each dog. FCC/CFC championships can be obtained for dogs who receive 3 CACS (Certificate of aptitude for the championship in conformity to the standard) and a rating of EXCELLENT given from 3 different judges. Only one CACS per breed and per sex (male and female) is given in each class. Hazel received a rating of EXCELLENT and wonderful comments from each of the four judges and received the required CACS for her championship. The judges for this FCC show were:

? M. Jean-Jacques Dupas from France
? Ms. Monique Van Brempt from Belgium
? Ms. Rita Reyniers from Belgium
? M. Jacques Le Magan from France

Here is Hazel's new FCC championship picture with Judge M. Jean-Jacques Dupas:

Club Barbet Canada held our Annual General Meeting in Terrebonne Quebec on Saturday the 15th. The meeting took place at the Chomeday dog show where we also held a booster for the Barbet. This year certainly was an exciting one for the club. Stayed tuned for lots of activities in 2013.

Hazel was awarded a Group 3rd on the Friday at Chomeday by Judge Elaine Whitney.

It had been a busy few weeks up to mid-September. The remainder of the month was spent smelling the roses (me), and the grass (the dogs).

JULY and AUGUST 2012

What an incredible summer. A summer of new “firsts” and new milestones.

The first National Specialty for the Barbet was held in Long Sault, Ontario on the August 25th. We had an entry of 34 Barbets in confirmation, such a wonderful sight and support from so many breeders and owners.

I brought Darwin out for this historic event, and for the booster the next day on August 26th, his only two shows for 2012. Darwin was the Best of Breed at our first National, a true honor. He was also the Best Stud dog, for this particular class the stud dog goes in the ring, and any of his babies entered at the show follow. This was quite the site to see Darwin and six of his lovely offspring from three different dams lined up behind him.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Anette Bak Frederiksen and Jesper Ravn from Denmark for sponsoring the Best Canadian bred award. It was such an honor for Darwin to be presented with the lovely rosette and framed photo of Batterikullens Come to the Caberet. (Clos). Clos is an exceptional Barbet. He is a Champion in six European countries and was the Best of Breed/World Winner in 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012.
For the booster on the Sunday we had an entry of 20 Barbets. Darwin was Best of Breed and his daughter Hazel Best of Opposite Sex. And Hazel finished off the weekend with a Best of Breed on the Monday. What a great weekend.

Full results and more pictures can be found on the club website: Here are a few pictures:

Darwin's Best in National Specialty picture with Judge Dr Franciso Chapa D.V.M. , Linda Thompson who handled Darwin beautifully, and Louise Nadeau President of Club Barbet Canada

Darwin, Linda and me with the Best Canadian Bred Rosette sponsored by Anette , Jesper and Clos.

Linda with Darwin

Me with Hazel

Some of the line up with Hazel standing pretty.

Darwin followed by son Bosch and daughter Hazel.

Hazel also did well at a couple of other shows in July and August. Thank you to all of these judges:

Chateauguay show:
Judge Thomas Nesbitt – Group 4
Societe Canine de Quebec show:
Judge David Markus – Group 4
Judge Francois Bernier – Group 3
Judge Bruce Owen – Group 3

Thousand Island Kennel club in Brockville:
Judge Marilyn Mincey – Group 4

TreeBeard's Galileo (Oreo) was busy these two months burning up the ring in the west. Way to go Heath, Helen, Larry and Oreo.
And Thank you to all of these judges

Lakehead Kennel Club:
Judge Denise Cornelssen - Group 4
Judge Leslie Bett – Group 1
Judge Donald Emslie – Group 2
Judge Tim Doxtater – Group3

Prince George:
Judge Fred Dewsbury – Group 1
Judge John Ross – Group 1

Alberta Kennel Club
Judge Doug Windsor – Group 1
Judge Wendy Schira – Group 3

West Kootenay
Judge Thora Browon – Group 3
Judge Cec Ringstrom – Group 2
Judge Doreen Marsh – Group 2
Judge Barbara Watt – Group 2

Judge Michael Lanctot – Group 3
Judge Patricia Lanctot – Group 2
Judge Janet Buchanan – Group 2

JUNE 2012

On Sunday June 3rd, Jeremy and I drove to Newburgh, Ontario to watch two of August and Darwin's boys in an agility team challenge. TreeBeards' Gilgamesh (Raven) and TreeBeard's GoldenEye (Monty) are both members of The Flying Fido's. This was the first outdoor agility event for both of them. And to the best of my knowledge the first agility event with Canadian Barbets participating. It was a cool, very rainy day but that did not dampen anyone's spirits, particularly the dogs. Raven is fearless and ran over the high bridge as if on a mission. And Monty's specialty is weaving. Their trainer thinks this breed was born weaving. I am over the moon to see my puppies having such fun. Thank you Tom, Joanne, Grace, and Charlotte for all the love you have provided for Raven.

Thank you Anne and Ben for everything you have done for Monty.

That same weekend Hazel went to the Club Loisirs Canin show in Beauport, Quebec with Linda. A wonderful turnout with eight Barbets. Hazel placed in the group each day.

Thank you so much:
Judge Michael Lanctot for the Group 1 placement
Judge Larry Kereluke for the Group 3 placement
Judge Linda Millman for the Group 1 placement
Judge Patrica Lanctot for the Group 3 placement

I love this picture of Judge Michael Lanctot, Linda and Hazel. Great smiles on everyone. I think Hazel is smiling too under her mustache.

MAY 2012

The first weekend of May brought with it a third TreeBeard Champion. Congratulations and a big thank you to Heath and Helen Kenyon for getting this title on TreeBeard's Galileo, known as Oreo. He is the only Barbet being presented in shows west of Ontario and therefore has had to earn all his points at the group level. This is no small feat in the sporting group. Oreo got three group placements at the Burns Lake show in British Columbia, and with that his Canadian Championship.

Group 2 – Judge Christopher Neilson
Group 3 – Judge Leslie Rogers
Group 4 - Judge Honey Glendinning

Thank you to all of these judges for recognizing this incredible breed and this dog.

Here are pictures of the Group 2 and Group 3 wins with Oreo and handler Larry Clark.

APRIL 2012

Hazel went to two shows this month, both with Linda.

In Petawawa she placed in the group three times, thank you very much:
Judge Patricia Lanctot – for the Group 3 placement
Judge Doug Windsor – for the Group 4 placement
Judge Dr. Robert Smith – for the Group 4 placement

In Iberville at the Club Canin Rive-Sud De Montreal Hazel had another fantastic weekend. Judge Conny Gutierrez-Otero, thank so much for awarding Hazel a Group 3

Below is a link to a YouTube video of TreeBeard's Goldeneye, known as Monty, running an agility course at class. Monty is owned by Anne Poels. Anne and Monty have been taking agility classes for several months now. You can see the fun that Monty is having at this activity, in this video a trainer is running Monty through the course. Tom Hickey and TreeBeard's Gilgamesh (called Raven) are also part of these classes, they are waiting in the sidelines for their turn.

The Barbet remains one of Frances top agility dogs and with people like Anne and Tom perhaps we will see more Canadian Barbets in the future participating in this event.

MARCH 2012

I attended The Purina National with Hazel on March 9, 10, and 11. This is one of Canada's largest and most prestigious shows, and a charity evds go to the Canadian Kennel Club Foundation.

Thank you to Judge Mr. Bo Skalin from Finland for awarding Hazel the Best of Opposite on the Friday. Best of Breed that day was awarded to CH BarbuGaulois Dara CH BarbuGaulois Daragon, (Darwin's brother).

On the Saturday Club Barbet Canada held its third booster. Fifteen Barbets were present coming from Quebec, Ontario and the USA. CH BarbuGaulois ChocoVan was Best of Breed this day. ChocoVan and Michel Raymond looked fabulous in the ring on Saturday evening for the formal group presentations. The Sunday edition of the Toronto Star featured an article on ChocoVan and Michel with a great picture. Michel is Darwin's breeder and this recognition is so well deserved. Way to go Michel and ChocoVan.
And on the Sunday CH Flacon D'Paris of Neigenuveaux was Best of Breed. Congratulations Florence.

Club Barbet Canada had a booth in the breeders village at this show. We had lots of visitors stopping by to learn more about the breed. The fundraiser for the National Specialty was launched during this weekend. Check out the National Specialty website (by clicking on the icon in my February news) to view this beautiful original painting. It was a fun filled weekend all around. For more information check out the club website:

Hazel in the line up on Sunday with Judge Mrs Sumiko Ikeda from Japan. Hazel is fourth in the line:

Getting ready for ring, Hazel on the table:

Hazel in the ring on Saturday, second in line:



Happy Birthday – We are ONE
On February 2nd the GroundHog Day Gang turned one-year. The year went by quickly. I enjoyed every minute with Hazel. And the regular news and pictures of the boys has been delightful. I am very fortunate that puppies are in such loving homes.
Here are some recent pictures:

Monty: - TreeBeard's Goldeneye

Oreo: TreeBeard's Galileo

Logan: TreeBeard's Guinness

Raven:- TreeBeard's Gilgamesh

Chopin: TreeBeard's Gandalf

Hazel: TreeBeard's Galapagos Girl



Happy New Year
So much wonderful news to start the year off with. I'll begin with the exciting news about the National.

On August 25th, 2012 the first Canadian National Specialty for the Barbet will take place in Long Sault, Ontario. A “National” is a celebration for the breed. It is an acknowledgment that a breed has come of age to bring enough high quality dogs emblematic of the standard to hold a gathering worthy of a National Specialty. There will be lots of events to demonstrate the versatility of the Barbet on this weekend. A perfect venue to meet and greet the breed. The logo below will take you to a website set-up specifically for this event. Check back often for news updates.

Darwin was the number one Barbet in Canada in 2011. The third year in a row for this recognition. And last year brought with it that incredible achievement of a Best in Show, and a Grand Championship. He now gets to retire from the show ring (except of course for special occasions like the National Specialty in August).

Here are three lovely pictures of Darwin in the show ring last summer. Thank you so much to Colina Edwards for capturing this moment and allowing me to post these pictures on my website. Great photos.

And last but not least I am looking forward to presenting Hazel in the ring in 2012.


December was a quiet month for us, reserved for time to play, to enjoy the company of family and friends, and of course eating more than we normally do.

We hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas holiday.
Wishing you health and happiness in 2012.

Below is a picture of Hazel looking festive sitting in a sleigh.



A month of firsts.


Denise Bigeault and I both attended the United show in the Montreal Olympic Stadium on the first weekend of November. There were eight Barbets entered for this show, so a d a fun weekend as always when you can enjoy the company of fellow Barbet owners.

On the Sunday both TreeBeard's Gandalf (called Chopin), and TreeBeard's Galapagos Girl (Hazel) became CKC Champions. Ae CKC Champions. At nine months of age and in just a few shows for each puppy I am thrilled at this achievement for my first TreeBeard litter. Thank you Denise for taking such great care of our boy, and presenting, and promoting the breed. And thank you to Judge Larry Kereluke.

Denise and TreeBeard's Gandalf (Chopin)

Me and TreeBeard's Galapagos Girl (Hazel)


The weekend of November 18, 19, 20 we attended a show a little closer to home. The Ottawa Kennel Club show in Kemptville. Both Hazel and Darwin were at this show and Denise came with Chopin and Francoise with Bosch, a Barbet from Florence Erwin.
A historic event for the Barbet, as Darwin was presented in the Show of Shows. This formal evening event is for dogs that have had a Best in Show this year. Linda Thompson handled Darwin beautifully as she always does. Thank you Linda.


Club Barbet Canada held their Annual General Meeting on Saturday October 1st. A great turnout of both people and Barbets. Thank you to Anne-Isabelle Maassen for hosting this event at her lovely property in St-Antoine-Abbe, Quebec.

The National club had a number of events for the breed in 2011, and 2012 is looking like an even more exciting year.

For more information about this event and the club visit:
There is also a link to the club website on my LINKS page.

Darwin and I went to one show this month in Trout Creek on Sunday October 9th and Monday the 10th. Thank you very much to Bud Haverstock for the Group 2 placement.


On Friday September 2nd Club Barbet Canada held our second Sanction Match at the Cornwall show. A Sanction Match is conducted in the same manner as a regular show, however no points are awarded towards a CKC title. They are a wonderful opportunity for young dogs to get practice in a show environment. Our judges for this event were Joe Panaro and Linda Thompson, thank you both.

The next day, Saturday September 3rd there was a booster for the Barbet. We had a wonderful turnout for the breed on all four-days (Friday September 2nd through to Monday September 5th), with twelve Barbets showing on the Saturday for the clubs second booster. And each day a Barbet was given a group placement.
BarbuGaulois Darwin - Group 3 - Judge David Eadie – Friday September 2nd
BarbuGaulois Daragon – Group 1 – Judge Rick Fehler – Saturday September 3rd
Bleuzorange Xem Dit Darius – Group 4 – Judge Mary White – Sunday September 4th
BarbuGaulois Darwin – Group 4 – Judge Elaine Whitney – Monday September 5th

Here is a picture of the lineup in the ring for the Booster on the Saturday. We could not have had a more enthusiastic judge for this event. Thank you Mr. Fehler.

The Cornwall show was the second weekend out for Hazel. She was the Best Puppy in Breed each day and Best Puppy in the Sporting Group on the Friday and Saturday. Thank you to Judges David Eadie and Rick Fehler. Hazel and me on the up and down.

There were also a number of Barbet owners and dogs that attended the Saturday show to watch, support us, and socialize. I took advantage of this opportunity to get a picture of three Darwin sons, one from each of the three litters he has sired. From left to right are Isabelle with Darius, Francois with Bausch, and Denise with Chopin.

Anne and Ben brought Monty to the Cornwall show to watch. Lucky Monty was able to go for a swim to cool down on this hot day.


Hazel also went to the Oakville show on the September 9th and 10th. Thank you to Judge Alan Brown for her fifth Best Puppy in Group.


I had the pleasure of spending a few days with Denise and Francois for the Chomeday show in Terrebonne Quebec. This was the first show for both Denise and Chopin (TreeBeard's Gandalf). They both looked fabulous in the ring. Below is a picture of Denise and Chopin with his first ribbons.




TreeBeard's Galileo (Oreo) was the first puppy to begin what I'm sure will be a fine show career. Heath, Helen, and Oreo went to two shows this month. Jumping right in when Oreo was 6 months and 2 days with the show in Edmonton on August 4th. Wish I could have been there to see it. I'm told Oreo had lots of fun which is very important and I have no doubt he looked fabulous.

Next show up for Oreo was in Cranbrook, BC on August 27 and 28.
Thanks Heath and Helen for all your hard work.

TreeBeard's Galapagos Girl made her show debut in Brockville at the TIKO show on August 19th. Her first show she went Best Puppy in Group on the Friday and on the Sunday. Thank you so much to Judges Janet Lobb and Michael Lanctot.
Here is a picture from Hazel's first show.

Darwin had a great weekend in Beauce with Linda on August 6th and 7th. There were two shows on each of these days.
Group 1 – Saturday August 6th Show 1– Thank you Judge Wendy Paquette
Group 2 – Saturday August 6th Show 2 – Thank you Judge Cec Ringstrom
Group 2 – Sunday August 7th Show 1 – Thank you Judge Butch MacDonald
Group 3 – Sunday August 7th Show 2 – Thank you Judge Michael Shoreman

Both Monty (TreeBeard's GoldenEye) and Raven (TreeBeard's Gilgamesh) have begun agility classes. Having successfully completed two sessions of puppy obedience classes. It sounds as if these boys are going to love this activity.


JULY 2011


This month could not have gotten off to a better start.
On July 15th, Darwin made history by becoming the first Barbet in Canada to go Best in Show. With that accomplishment he also became a Grand Champion. This is wonderful for the breed.

A huge THANK YOU to Judge Thomas Burke for this recognition. AND of course to Linda Thompson for presenting Darwin so beautifully as she always has, and for keeping Darwin as comfortable as possible with the exceptional heat wave we were experiencing. Fans, lots of ice, and cooling blankets were always at the ready.

It was a fantastic weekend at Kars followed by a Group win at Lombardy on the Monday.

Judge Thomas Burke – Group 1 and Best in Show – July 15, 2011
Judge Francois Bernier – Group 2 – July 16, 2011
Judge Richard Lopaschuk – Group 3 – July 17, 2011
Judge David Markus – Group 3 - July 18, 2011


JUNE 2011

On June 4th and 5th I attended the Myra Savant-Harris seminar in Ottawa titled “Canine Reproduction and Whelping Techniques Plus Puppy Intensive Care”. This 2-day seminar provided invaluable information on everything from A.I. to tube feeding. Details on caring for the Dam every step of the way and techniques to help ensure the delivery of healthy puppies. I would recommend this seminar to any breeder. As a bonus Myra is a very funny lady.


Darwin went to one show this month, in Trois-Rivieres on June 24, 25 ,and 26th. On the Saturday there was a booster for the Barbet, with a great entry of 16. Judge Lucie Paradis was the judge for this booster. Darwin was best of breed on all three days with a Group 2 placement on the Sunday. Thank to Linda Thompson for showing Darwin so well for this show, and to Judge Ann Ingram from Cork Ireland for the Group placement.

On the Saturday evening was the annual Royal Canin Classic. This is an event where a dog is eligible if they have had either a Group 1 placement or a Best in Show in the province of Quebec in the previous 12 months. I handled Darwin in this event where he was given a Group 2 placement by the panel of judges. Here is a picture from that evening.

MAY 2011

Darwin and I attended two shows this month. Arnprior the first weekend of the Month and Richmond on the last weekend of the month. A warm thank you to:

Australian Judge Glenys Alexander for the Group 4 placement at the Arnprior show.
Judge Deirdre McKinnon for the Group 4 placement at Richmond
Judge Richard Lake for the Group 4 placement at Richmond. Here is a picture from that event.

At the Richmond show there was a sanction match on the Friday after Best in Show. I entered Hazel into the 3-6 month category. A sanction match is great practice for a young dog. It follows the same procedure as a regular show but there are no points given. Hazel was the Best in the Sporting Group and the Best Puppy in the Sporting Group. There was not a large turn out given the wet cold weather but we are enjoying the moment anyway.
Here is a picture Hazel with her first ribbons.

We had a visit from Monty (TreeBeard's GoldenEye) this month. Hazel chased her brother Monty around the kitchen table until they tuckered themselves out and required a couple of bowls of water. Anne and Ben please stop by anytime with Monty. Here is a couple of pictures of Hazel and Monty.

And some more pictures of Hazel and Darwin

APRIL 2011

Lots of one-on-one time with Hazel this month. She is a happy puppy who loves to follow her dad around and pull on his beard if given the chance. Darwin just lies there and takes it, what a gentle boy. August on the other hand continues to monitor Hazel's behavior and to make sure her daughter has good manners.

Ethan our poodle turned nine-years old this month. Still acts like a puppy.

Thank you for all the emails, phone calls and pictures from new puppy families. Great to hear how well they are all doing in puppy obedience classes, and getting the opportunity to swim too. I couldn't ask for better homes.

Darwin and I went to our first show for 2011, the Victoria County show in Lindsay Ontario the last weekend of April. Thank you to Judge Mr. Robert Whitney for the Group 4 placement.

Here are a couple of pictures of TreeBeard's Galapagos Girl (Hazel).


MARCH 2011

This month was truly delightful. Watching this litter grow and witnessing what seemed like daily achievements was pure entertainment. New families came for weekly visits during the month of March. This is a nice way to watch the puppies grow and most importantly to socialize the puppies.
Families did not know until the end of March which puppies were theirs they just got to play and enjoy them all. And of course there were lots of other socialization moments helped out by family and friends.

All puppies were exposed to the five Early Stimulation steps from day 3 to day 18. Visit Neurological Stimulation for Pupp| n for Puppies | Puppies and Dogs Info TV
for a demonstration of this.

I would like to thank my husband Jeremy and son Brandon for all their help. Could not have done it without them. Getting seven puppies outside multiple times a day to have them toilet trained is more easily done with a team.

Registered names for this litter are (in birth order):

For pictures of the puppies and their new families see the PUPPY page. I want to also thank each of these new Barbet owners. I could not have asked for better homes for these puppies.

I am keeping Galapagos Girl, named in honor of her dad Darwin. Darwin (the real one not my boy) developed his theory of evolution in the Galapagos. Her call name is Hazel. Here is a picture of me and my new girl.

In other news:
On March 24, puppies of of CHc Charm CGN (Bernadette) x CH CA, CH INT BarbuGaulois Darwin CGN arrived in the world. Six girls and two boys. Thank you Florence. Here is a picture of the puppies on the day they were born.



On Wednesday February 2nd August brought 7 beautiful Barbets into the world.
1 brown girl
1 brown boy
5 black boys

All puppies were healthy weights and are doing well. As is mom.

Puppies will be registered with names beginning with the letter “G”. This follows the tradition in France where a letter is chosen for each year. 2011 is “G”.

Here is a picture of the new family on day 1 – February 2, 2011


Check the puppy page for regular updates of the gang.



They did it again. Best Dog in Canada results show Darwin as the #1 Barbet in Canada for 2010, and August is the #2 Barbet for 2010.

We anxiously await the arrival of the puppies in early February.



No shows for us this month. It was time for play, baking cookies, and visiting with family and friends.

However there is some very big news to share. August was bred to Darwin early in the month. A visit to my vet for an ultrasound on December 28th confirmed the pregnancy. Puppies are expected about February 4th.
August and Darwin have had their hips and elbows certified and their eyes CERF tested. Both dogs have also been DNA profiled.

Here are two pictures of August and Darwin appropriate for the season.

Happy New Year everyone



Darwin and I attended two shows this month. The United Kennel Club show in Montreal was the first of these at the beginning of the month. This show is always a busy one with lots of other activities besides confirmation going on, such as fly ball, and a pet show. It is held in the Olympic Stadium and despite the size of this arena it is packed with spectators who love to come and watch these events. My grooming table was set up by the fly ball area. I think Darwin would have loved to have a go at this.

The show in Kemptville took place on November 19, 20 and 21. Florence Erwin came up with two puppies that had just turned six-months, Murdoch and Francesca Stephanie brought her six-month old puppy Sophie. And Michel Raymond the breeder of Darwin joined us to help show Murdoch on the Friday and Saturday. Jeremy, my husband showed Francesca on the Sunday. Always enjoyable to spend time with Barbet people and a delight to see new puppies in the ring.

Here are two pictures from the Kemptville show.

Me with Darwin and Michel with Murdoch in the ring. And having fun at the grooming tables.


We attended one show this month. The Nipissing Kennel Club show in Trout Creek. Darwin got two group placements.
Judge Donna Cole – Group 2
Judge Walter Pinsker – Group 4
Thank you both so much. Sorry I missed the chance to get pictures.

The rest of October the dogs have had lots of time just to be dogs. I think that August (a.ka. My Little Ever Ready Bunny) could run all day.



Both August and Darwin obtained their International UCI Championship titles on September 12th. We attended the International All Breed Canine Association of America (IABCA) show on September 11 and 12.
They both received the highest possible rating in each of the four shows they were in. Darwin took the breed each show and a Group placement each show (Group 1, Group 2 and two Group 3's). Darwin also was Reserved Best in Show for show #1. A great weekend.
They the are first Barbets to be both Canadian and International Champions. A third title for Darwin after obtaining his CGN last month.

Pictures of this achievement turned out better than I expected as it was a very windy and rainy day. Rainy days never bother these water dogs.


A little information about the IABCA. They began about seventeen years ago with the intent of making an International “UCI” Championship Title available to North Americans without exposing dogs to the danger and inconvenience of International travel. To accomplish this, an association was formed with an International Association of dog clubs headquartered in Germany, the Union Cynologie International (UCI). The UCI has been in existence for over 30 years. There are many countries throughout Europe, North America, and the Far East represented, making it a truly International Organization. The show in September was the only one in Canada for 2010.
For more information please visit

These shows are European in style. Each judge provides a written critique for each dog for each show. I am very pleased with the four critiques I have for both Darwin and August.

Darwin placed Group second on Saturday September 18th at the Chomedey show in Terrebonne, Quebec. A big Thank You to Judge Mr. James Osborne.

Sometimes pictures are just not enough. I just had to see the puppies that Darwin sired, with Callas. So Darwin and I went to visit Denyse and Isabelle to see the puppies at 7 1/2 weeks before they headed off to their new homes.
Denyse's property is heaven on earth. Lots of open spaces and trees overlooking the water. Located in St-Joachim, north of Quebec city, a happy peaceful place for both people and Barbets.

Here is a picture from the visit, the three of us with some of the puppies and Darwin.

Also have to share this picture of Darius at six weeks, practicing his stack for the show ring. Look out daddy Darwin.

You can see more pictures on Denyse's website,


At last Canada has a National Club for the Barbet. On September 2, 2010 the Canadian Kennel Club officially confirmed National accreditation for Club Barbet Canada. This document is of essential importance for the future of the Barbet in Canada.

The Board of Directors and the members have worked very hard over the last two years for this and have now seen the fruits of their labour. I am proud to be the Director for Ontario for the Club and promise to do my best to support the Club, its members and most importantly the Barbet.

For more information about the club visit

The Clubs annual general meeting took place on Saturday September 25th in OKA. This was a full day event for the meeting and of course socializing. It is always nice to see so many Barbets together.

Earlier this year the Barbet was recognized by the CKC to be able to compete in the working certificate test beginning January 2011. A demonstration of the working certificate was given by Claude Rochon at this annual meeting. It was very impressive to witness the relationship between Claude and his exceptional Labrador. There is a member of the Club Barbet Canada, Mr. Jacques Cyr who has been doing this with his Barbet, the lovely Bibiche for some time. Mr Cyr would have loved to have shown us this demonstration himself with a Barbet but was unable to attend the meeting. Hopefully another time.



“August” shines in August
We attended two shows this month both with August, how appropriate. She got a Group 3 at each of them.
Societe Canine Beauceronne in Ste Marie de Beauce – thank you Thora Brown and TIKO in Brockville – thank you Charlotte McGowan

Here are a couple of pictures from the TIKO show.


Darwin got his CGN (Canadian Good Neighbour) title in August. There are 12 exercises the dog is evaluated for. It is an assessment of the handler and dog's relationship together with the handler's ability to control the dog. The testing took place in a park next to a skateboard area where a dozen kids were having fun. I think Darwin would have liked to have joined them but was such a good boy and focused on the task at hand.

Just have to share with you a picture of the Callas x Darwin puppies born on July 31st . Seven little chestnut darlings. This is them at two weeks.

JULY 2010


  • DARWIN IS A DAD!!!!!
    On July 31st the lovely Callas brought seven beautiful Barbets into the world. Five males and two females, all dark chestnut brown. Puppies were all healthy weights and are doing fine. For more information and I'm sure pictures to come, go to

    Here are four pictures taken on June 1st when Denyse and Isabelle came to Ottawa.

    Whispering Sweet Nothing Isabelle & Janet with the happy couple
    Hey come back 3 Ladies, 3 Barbets and a poodle

  • Darwin got the month off to a great start at the Chateauguay show on July 3rd and 4th.
    Group 1 - Thank you Michael Lanctot
    Group 2 - Thank you Patricia Lanctot

After the Chateuguay show it was play time for awhile. BluesFest was in Ottawa for two weeks of great music. Days were spent chilling with the dogs, letting dogs be dogs.. And evenings were music for me and Jeremy. Very hot weather this summer so the play time and running was kept to early in the day. A nice hanging out time for all of us.

Here are two pictures of August. One running, boy she is fast. The series of pictures that I have of this is interesting to click through to witness her lovely form in motion. The other picture is her looking pretty.
August running
Looking Pretty


JUNE 2010

  • The month got off to a great start. Denyse Rousseau and Isabelle Ringuet came to Ottawa for three days with the lovely CH Courailee BleuZorange Callas for a breeding with Darwin. The breeding took place at the beginning of June and it was confirmed that Callas was pregnant when she was taken for a vet appointment on June 28th. I am grateful that Darwin was choosen and am looking forward to sharing more news in a month or so. Darwin seemed grateful too.

    Both dogs of course had passed the required health tests with flying colours (CERF, OFA hips and elbows, and Thyroid tests).

    It was nice to have some time to visit with Denyse and Isabelle, who are both such lovely ladies. Denyse has been involved with Barbets for many years, so to be able to talk with her about the breed and dogs in both Darwin's and August's pedigrees that she has had her hands on was a fantastic opportunity. All of us are very thankful for her years of efforts in helping to get the breed recognized by the CKC in 2006.

  • August went to the Club Loisirs Canin show in Beauport on June 5 and 6, and did very well. A Group 2 – Judge Cec Ringstrom, a Group 3 – Judge Butch MacDonald, and a Group 1 – Judge Charles Cyopik. This gir of minel has beautiful movement in the ring.

  • I took Darwin to three shows in June sometimes for just for one or two of the days.
    June 10 – Brome – Group 4 - Judge Peter Machen
    June 19 – Kingston – Group 2 - Judge Bud Haverstock
    June 26 – Trois Riveries – Group 1 – Judge William Gunn

  • Royal Canine Classique
    There is a special evening event each year at the Trois Riveries show for dogs that have won BIS or Group 1 placements in the province of Quebec in the last year. It is a bit of a formal affair and a chance to dress up and show off your dog. Both Darwin and August qualified for this event, however I only entered Darwin and let August stay home and enjoy herself. Darwin got a Group 4 at the Classique. Picture below.
8 Barbets at Trois Rivieries

MAY 2010

  • The May long weekend was a little different.
    August went to the K-W Kennel Club show in Kitchener with Linda, where she got a Group 4. Thank you Judge Thora Brown.
  • I showed Darwin at the Hochelaga show where Michael Woods gave him a Group 3, and James Osborne a Group 2. Thank you to both these judges.


APRIL 2010

  • On April 10th I attended the Pat Hastings full-day seminar in Toronto. This presentation titled the “Puppy Puzzle” provided wonderful information for evaluating puppies. We were fortunate enough to have a litter of 8 Labradors at the seminar that Pat evaluated and walked through the attributes of each puppy. Determining whether or not a puppy will be suitable for what will be asked of it (confirmation, agility, field trials, a wonderful pet) is an extremely important decision. Any breeder wants to place their puppies in the right home where they will be happy and excel in the lifestyle of their new owners. I would highly recommend this seminar to any breeder.
  • Darwin rocked at the Club Canine de L'Estrie show in Sherbrooke.
    Group 1 - Thank you Thomas Nesbitt
    Group 1 – Thank you David Markus
    Group 2 - Thank you Larry Kereluke

MARCH 2010

  • Darwin placed Group 3rd on the Sunday at the Purina National. A very nice win given the 148 dogs in the Sporting Group thay day. Thank you to Judge Jean Fournier from the USA for this recognition, and for the Best of Breed on the Saturday. Thank you too to Judge James Reynolds for the Best of Breed acknowledgment for Darwin on the Sunday.


  • The year is off to a nice start. Judge Narelle Hammond Robertson awarded a Group 3rd to Darwin at the Ontario Breeders show in Markham. A very nice win for such a busy show. Thank you again Linda.


  • Best Dog in Canada results show Darwin as the #1 Barbet in Canada for 2009, and August is the #2 Barbet for 2009. VERY special thanks to Linda Thompson for her incredible handling that allowed us to acheive this goal.



© TreeBeard Barbets Contents of this site are the property of TreeBeard Barbets.  No part of this site may be reproduced without written permission